Faith formation includes programs for all parishioners, as well as those seeking membership in the Catholic Church. Programs include adult bible study, Faith Formation of our youth from pre-school through high school, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, and Catholics Returning Home. Opportunities are available for volunteers as catechists, seminar leaders in our adult education programs and sacramental preparation classes, and sponsors of those preparing to become Catholic.
All Saints Parish offers many opportunities for faith formation and spiritual growth. From children's sessions and youth/teen ministries to adult programs, we believe that learning about and growing in our faith is a life-long discovery.
Mission Statement
Faith Formation is designed to foster our relationship with Jesus through shared experiences and a growing understanding of our Catholic Tradition while honoring the development of both the heart and mind throughout our lifetime.
"'You became a believer because you saw me. Blest are they who have not seen and have believed.' Jesus performed many other signs as well-signs not recorded here-in the presence of his disciples. But these have been recorded to help you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, so that through this faith you may have life in his name" (John 20: 29-31).
St. John's Catholic School
37 Pleasant Street
Brunswick, Maine 04011
Parish Faith Formation Leaders
Pre-K through Grade 5 at St. Mary's and at St. Charles Borromeo - Amy Ford 725-2624
Pre-K through Grade 5 at St. Patrick's - Sarah Buchwalder 563-3240
Pre-K through Grade 5 at Our Lady Queen of Peace - John O'Connell 633-2680
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children - Marcy Brenner 725-2624
Youth Ministry Grades 6 through 12 at St. Charles Borromeo - Debbie Poulton 725-2624
Youth Ministry Grades 6 through 12 at St. Patrick - Sarah Buchwalder 563-3240
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
St. Ambrose: Marcy Brenner 725-2624
St. Charles Borromeo: Marcy Brenner 725-2624
St. John the Baptist Church: Marcy Brenner 725-2624
St. Patrick's: Ed & Arlene Polewarczyk
Parishioner Sponsorship Opportunity
Would you like to sponsor a Faith Formation child of All Saints Parish?
YR-2 Sacrament Prep: A $20 sponsorship covers the cost of a 9-month MagnifiKid! subscription and the bisqueware Blessing Cup that each child decorates with glaze, which is then fired and returned on the day of their Sacrament Mass! MagnifiKid! is a weekly booklet that supports participation in the Mass.
YR-1 Sacrament Prep: A $20 sponsorship covers the cost of an Advent Kit and a Lenten Kit from Faith and Family Collective, providing families with a weekly activity and opportunity for shared reflection during these special seasons of the Church year.
PK/K Faith Formation: A $20 sponsorship covers the cost of a 12-month OSV Kids subscription. OSV Kids is a monthly magazine parents use to introduce their children to the Catholic Faith through stories, activities, images and games. It is an engaging tool to support families in living the faith.
Participating in these sponsorships is a wonderful way of encouraging the children in their faith and holding them and their families in prayer during the year.
IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP, please contact Amy Ford ([email protected]) or click here to make a donation!