Debbie Poulton
St. Charles Youth Ministry (Grades 6-8)
(207) 725-2624
[email protected]
Abby Valliere
St. Charles Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12)
(207) 563-3240
[email protected]
St. Charles Borromeo Church hosts 5pm Mass every Sunday from September to May (except Easter). This is a regular parish Mass but engages students in all liturgical ministries. Meetings for junior high and high school students follow Mass. Snacks are provided.
Our high school teens have created a community where people feel comfortable sharing their process of getting to know God and the Catholic faith as we journey through life together. We meet Sunday nights from 6:00-7:00 according to the calendar.
Junior High Ministry (grades 6-8)
Junior High Ministry focuses on the message of the Sunday Gospel. We spend time reading the Bible, playing games, doing activities, and praying together. We meet Sunday nights from 6:00-7:00 according to the calendar.
Special events
We have special events throughout the year like dodgeball and snowtubing.